all in one


“You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King


  • transparant,
  • honest communicator,
  • team player,
  • bridge-builder,
  • good empathy,
  • creative,
  • solution oriented,
  • great analytic skills,
  • pragmatic,
  • calm,
  • self-conscious
  • Education:

    • 2024: RDA and LRM course from GO Opleidingen / School of Information
    • 2023 : Leadership Program Digital Strategy & Innovation (DEN/Europeana)
    • 2023 : Leidinggeven op basis van Eigenaarschap (Yearth)
    • 2020 : Cultural study trip to Suriname (Stadsherstel)
    • 2018 : Course Agile Coaching (Scrum Academy)
    • 2015 : Certified Product Owner (Zilverline)
    • 2010 – 2017 : Several SEO workshops (diverse)
    • 2009 : Personal Effectiveness Course
    • 1996 – 2001 : Master of Arts (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


    Office365, Slack, Jira, Basecamp, diverse Content Managements systems and Collection Management systems, Trello, Asana, HTML, XML, Photoshop, Premiere Pro

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it”
    – Stephen Covey –