all in one


“You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King


  • transparant,
  • honest communicator,
  • team player,
  • bridge-builder,
  • good empathy,
  • creative,
  • solution oriented,
  • great analytic skills,
  • pragmatic,
  • calm,
  • self-conscious
  • Education:

    • 2024: RDA and LRM course from GO Opleidingen / School of Information
    • 2023 : Leadership Program Digital Strategy & Innovation (DEN/Europeana)
    • 2023 : Leidinggeven op basis van Eigenaarschap (Yearth)
    • 2020 : Cultural study trip to Suriname (Stadsherstel)
    • 2018 : Course Agile Coaching (Scrum Academy)
    • 2015 : Certified Product Owner (Zilverline)
    • 2010 – 2017 : Several SEO workshops (diverse)
    • 2009 : Personal Effectiveness Course
    • 1996 – 2001 : Master of Arts (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


    Office365, Slack, Jira, Basecamp, diverse Content Managements systems and Collection Management systems, Trello, Asana, HTML, XML, Photoshop, Premiere Pro

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it”
    – Stephen Covey –

    all in one

    Projects I worked on

    Digital transformation and strategy
    2022 – untill now
    Being succesfull in what I was doing, I was asked to lead the department Collections. Stepping into a new era for me of Digital Heritage. As member of the Management Team I thrive adding the needed value to the proces of digital transformation in the cultural sector.,,,
    Growth strategy
    2017 – 2022
    Realizing a growth in visitors on and in 2018 of 76,22% and in 2019 45,76%
    Renewing the architecture and the collection management system. Read about this at knowledge institute culture and digital transformation (DEN)

    vtwonen Belgium
    [made in Mechelen]
    >> the creating of a multisite vtwonen. Transformed and prepared for the Belgian market with a Flemish editorial team

    Findio – vtwonen
    2015 – 2016
    [Sanoma case]
    vtwonen Verbouwen of Verhuizen (Renovation or Relocation). An online test with personal advice as a result. The test was the heart of the campaign.
    >> Developing the algoritm. Concept, Functional Design and Execution

    vtwonen as a salesfunnel
    >> After the takeover of, I realized the entire integration of webshop and content platform as a project manager and product owner.

    vtwonen Binnenkijken
    User Generated Content platform ‘binnenkijken’ (look inside) was a great success.
    >> Concept, Functional Design, Execution

    Various sites about living
    Allesbrocante,nl: first content aggregator website in the Netherlands
    Ariadne at home
    Eigen Huis en interieur
    >> Management and developing
    Largest gardening website and plant index online in the Netherlands and probably Europe. With early instructional videos.
    >> Content migration to

    Scan & shop
    [Nederlands Media Netwerk] lanceert op de Woonbeurs Amsterdam de campagne Scan&Shop, een virtuele shoppingwall met daarop woonproducten die gescand en direct gekocht kunnen worden.
    >> IT Project Coordinator

    Launch of first home shopping street online in the Netherlands with Eprium. Later on My
    >> Project leader and content manager

    all in one

    Just for fun

    Besides work there is a whole life to live.
    Sports, music, creativity, family, friends, city farming, travel… and so on.

    To give you an impression.


    * Top rope climbing * Skating * Jogging * Cycling through the city *


    I pretty much love all kinds of music. But especially music from the heart. And by that I mean storytellers. Singers who wander away in their sounds, instruments or message. Or better yet, all at the same time.

    • In this Moment
    • Bruce Spingsteen
    • Jett Rebel
    • K.Flay
    • Fink
    • Sister Rosetta Tharpe

    And so on…


    Travel is the only thing you buy which makes you richer. Roughly my travels


    Sure I like movies too, but most of all I love books!

    all in one

    My writing